Fall is my favorite time of the year. It is always so beautiful outside to take a walk. There are Chestnuts (some also call them conkers or buckeyes) everywhere during this season and you would never even realize what all you could do with them. There are so many crafts and activities you and your children can enjoy using Chestnuts and we have collected 33 ideas you can use to play with chestnuts this Autumn!
Ways to Play with Chestnuts this Fall
If you go out for a walk and bring the kiddos along, make them look for Chestnuts. You could play a Chestnut Hunt and Sensory game.
Help your child to Measure Chestnuts. They can cut out a heart or any shape really, and line the chestnuts around it.
Let your little princess hold a Chestnut Tea Party. She can gather all of her furry friends around her table and serve them chestnuts with their tea.
Create mosaics with chestnuts! You will need a pile of them, but that shouldn’t be a problem! My kids can’t stop picking them up on our walks!
Here is an idea for your little boys. Let them play Conkers or Horse Chestnuts. Of course, this is a project you or dad have to help out on a little bit, but it could be so much fun.
Make your own Chestnut Zoo. Let the kids add eyes and whatever else they want to do to them, and they can create all kinds of animals.
A cute idea is to make Chestnut Pencil Toppers. Add some ears and a nose, in different colors, and create animals, or really anything you desire.
How about a little competition in creating fall monsters with chestnuts? Who will make the craziest monster?
Feed some squirrels or maybe another type of animal by making them a snack. Using the outside of an orange, some corn and Chestnuts, create your own Chestnut Bird Feeder.
It is almost Halloween time, so make some Chestnut Spiders. All you need is googly eyes and different colors of pipe cleaners for the legs, and you can create all kinds of them. (You can also create this version without googly eyes.)
Create a game by playing Chestnut Golf. Cut out a couple of archways in a box, label them and let your kiddo play golf.
Make a necklace or bracelet by Threading Chestnuts. Of course, you will have to make the holes in the chestnuts, but your child can thread the chestnuts onto some string and make their own jewelry.
Combine chestnuts with plasticine to create some of these amazing ideas!
If you have a child who likes to throw, here is an idea. Make Chestnut Streamers. Attach chestnuts to a group of streamers and bombs away!
Another idea is to Paint with Chestnuts. You can dumb any color or multiple colors of paint into a pan. Then put your chestnuts in and let them roll. Your child will have a masterpiece.
Do you have a Chef on your hands? Let them collect rocks, chestnuts, grass or anything else they want, and let them pretend play cooking with Chestnuts.
Create your own God’s eye with chestnut by weaving. It is a fun experience. A little hard at first but they will catch a hang to it.
Something fun to do with chestnuts is to have a Spoon and Chestnut race. Place a chestnut on a spoon, line the kiddos up, and let them see who can make it to the next side without dropping the chestnut.
Use them in your fall mini scene creation! This looks really amazing!
Let your child create their own Chestnut Masterpiece with Play Dough. Supply them with chestnuts and whatever else you can find and you may have an artist on your hands.
Practice math with conkers! Easy to set up learning activity for little ones!
Roll chestnuts down the ramp you made with kids!
Use chestnuts as a part of fall season exploration table. There are so many amazing colors and textures you can collect on your walks!
Play conker toss! This game will surely be a hit with your kids!
Use chestnuts to make beautiful fashionable necklaces with kids!
Make a bunch of snails with conkers as houses! We did this and kids had so much fun afterward thinking up stories with their snails!
Sing a song about conkers as you count them with kids! The perfect way to learn numbers with tiny toddlers!
Conkers are perfect as a manipulative to practice fine motor skills as kids pick them up, scoop them or handle them in a number of other ways.
Have you tough about adding chestnuts to sensory bottles or treasure baskets? Simple ideas are usually the most successful around our home!
Here are 3 ideas to adapt play with chestnuts for your toddler and use them to practice fine motor skills and counting.
Use them as wheels for your homemade toy cars and trucks! Now, that’s easy!
Looking for more fun things to do with your kids? We want to recommend you our book – Learn with Play (150+ Activities for Year-Round Fun and Learning)! You will find inside easy to prepare activities for everyday fun as well for all seasons and holidays! Here is a preview for you:
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