As we go through all the ways play is important for our toddlers, let’s take the time and see all the ways play help reduce stress at out kids. Stress can make your child act out, be fussy, or may even trigger a temper tantrum. What many parents don’t realize is play can be a wonderful way to help your children unwind. Whether it’s to get rid of excess energy or to take your child’s mind off something, play is a great way to reduce stress.
1. Play Helps Kids Gets Rid of Excess Energy
If your child is having to sit still for long periods of time, it can be stressful. Your child doesn’t understand how to cope with the buildup of energy and this can cause your child to act out. Whenever possible, give your child a chance to play. For example, if you’re going on a long road trip, stop to allow your child to run around and play to help beat the stress.
2. Gives Kids Something to Focus On
Sometimes stress can be the cause of boredom. If you’re busy doing things around the house, make sure your child has something fun to play with. This allows your child to focus on the toys and playing rather than the stress of being bored.
3. Takes the Mind Off Other Things
Play can also be a great way to take a child’s mind off what’s causing him stress. For example, if you’re waiting for a doctor’s appointment, allow your child to play with the toys. Playing can take away the stress of the doctor’s visit. We listed some of our favorite waiting room toys to help you decide what to bring along.
4. Play is a Good Release From Frustration
Children can sometimes become frustrated for apparently no reason at all. If you see your child starting to become frustrated, and it’s not nap time, play with your child. Playing can reduce stress and frustration.
5. Allows Children to Help Each Other with Stress
If a big brother sees his little brother having a bad day, he can play with him to help relieve his stress. Kids may also play together to reduce the stress of a variety of situations. If your child is going through a stressful situation, consider setting up a play date.
6. Keeps Kids Busy
Playing also keeps kids busy. When your child is busy, it’s hard to be stressed. Give your child a variety of activities to choose from. It might be playing with educational toys or coloring. Wow activity books are awesome because they are mess-free and you can take them everywhere with you! The more options your child has, the busier she’ll be.
7. Play Can Help Kids Beat Fear & Anxiety
Last, but not least, play can help kids beat fear. Anytime your child is faced with a scary situation, such as a thunderstorm, get out some toys and play together. Playing can take your child’s mind off whatever is scaring them.
Play is so much more than a way to keep kids busy. It’s a way for kids to beat stress. Whether it’s stress from a doctor’s visit or boredom, playing can help your child in so many different ways.
What do you think? What’s the most important effect play has on toddlers and older kids when it comes to stress?
Other articles about an importance of play you will find interesting:
7 Things Kids Learn Through Play
5 Important Benefits of Play to Toddler’s Happiness

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