Does your child recognize and can name numbers? Do they connect name and sign for a number? Here is a simple and fun numbers sensory bin to assist toddlers and preschoolers to learn their numbers faster.
My toddler began to recognize if written mark is number or letter. She still can’t match a name of the number with written number so we decided to play around a bit and work on number recognition.
Everything we used for this activity came from recycle bin as part of our #junkplay challenge.

A great resource to get to know answers to every question you ever had about sensory processing is now available! Wheather you’re a parent, educator or therapist, (affiliate link) will provide you all the answers in a reader-friendly way. It combines 3 books in one, Sensory Processing Explained (an overview), 35 Awesome Sensory Activities for Home and School and Sensory Processing Resources and Printable Guides. To read more, grab a FREE CHAPTER and purchase as an e-book, click on image:
This amazing book is also available in print on and you can read reviews and purchase it HERE (affiliate link).

Today’s post is part of 60 Day Junk Play Challenge and we had as material prompt today OLD CALENDARS.
You can also stop by Words’n’Needles and see how to create 4 different versions of puzzles using old calendars!
To read more about Junk Play Challenge and get involved upcycling your trash for play, stop by our 60 Day Junk Play Challenge page.

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