Winter is surely not my favorite season! Today we have played with spring garden sensory bin in hope to call in spring to come faster! Are you looking forward to spring and spending more time outdoors?

Sensory play if fun even when children don’t have any sensory issues! It’s like discovering a whole new world using many senses we usually don’t use in classic play!
How to Set Up Spring Garden Sensory Bin?
We used:
- dry beans
- rice (colored green)
- scrapbooking supplies – flowers, butterflies
- wood girl embellishment
It’s hard to recommend to find exactly the same wood girl embellishment. You can simply use one of your child’s favorite mini figurines.
Setting up this sensory bin was extremely easy – we used beans for “rocks / dirt” and green colored rice for the “grass” part. I used some scrapbooking supplies from my stash – cut out flowers, fabric butterflies, wooden girls with lollipops. In the beginning, it looked like shown on the picture just bellow.

How to Dye Green Spring Rice?
You need:
- dry white rice
- plastic bag
- green food coloring
- rubbing alcohol
- tray or a plate
To color rice green, follow these steps:
- place 2 cups of rice in a plastic bag,
- add 5-6 drops of green food coloring and 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol,
- close the bag and squashed it in your hands until all rice was uniformly colored green.
- spread it out on a plate to let the rice dry completely.

Time to Play with Garden Spring Sensory Bin
Of course, as soon as toddler came in, she has stuck her finger in green rice (we haven’t played with colored rice before) and began to sip it all over the beans and other items in the bin.
Toddler had fun burying wooden dolls in beans and making them stand.

She pretend her little wooden girl is walking on the grass and stumbling on rocks. Little girl smelled the flowers and played with butterflies.
Butterflies kept flying from flower to flower.
Soon enough, everything was mixed because she tried to bury all the flowers, butterflies and wood girls. Then she enjoyed trying to find them again and bring them to surface.

After a while, she brought her cups and asked if I can bring out her play kitchen so she can play with it. There was a lot of transferring from one cup to another, and to pots and pans.
Overall, this was fun to play with for an almost hour and a half, really long for a toddler! Mom was totally surprised!
Expend the Play with Books about Spring!

Celebrate the bright colors of spring with this hands-on color-play novelty board book! Turn the wheels to create and change the bold colors of spring in this deceptively simple and thoughtfully layered novelty book that teaches the joy and wonder of color. Find the book here: United States | Canada | United Kingdom

Who has stripes? Is it the bee? Or is it the ladybug? Turn the wooden pieces to answer the questions in each scene. This book builds communication skills and supports fine motor coordination while introducing garden friends. Find the book here: United States | Canada | United Kingdom

Give this book a try. The illustrations are beautiful and detailed, the facts about the birds are interesting, and the birdsongs are lovely and clear. Suitable for anyone from kids to adults wanting to be able to identify the more common birds in your yard (eastern North America) by their calls. Find the book here: United States | Canada
For more spring reading see:
The Best Spring Board Books
What else can you play in spring?
- It’s always fun to dip in your fingers in the mud! Try it!
- Pick few new toys for outdoor play.
- On rainy days, offer your child some spring coloring pages for independent play time.

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