Get ready for some summer fine motor fun! Your kiddo is getting the chance to build those finger and hand skills. Oh, and she’ll also get creative with a crafty collage, learn about colors and get in some math practice.
Summer Sun Collage
What’s that bright thing shining in the sky? Yeah, the chilly winter months and the spring rain may have hidden it for some time now. It’s the sun, and it’s making the weather warmer.
Now that it’s bright and light out, it’s time to get summary with a sun-themed fine motor activity. This kids’ craft collage focuses on the color yellow and lets your little one practice those budding finger skills.
Along with fine motor skill-building, this artsy activity also helps your child to learn about shapes, explore textures and use her imagination.
Development and Skills to Build
- Fine motor – eye-hand coordination, grasp, finger/hand strength
- Science – the summer season, the sun
- Sensory – exploring texture
- Color recognition and identification
- Math – Geometry
- Art – identify what a collage is, materials use
Arts and Crafts Materials
- Cardboard – reuse the front of an old cereal or cracker box
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- Clear-drying school glue
- Yellow tempera paint
- Yellow tissue paper
- Yellow craft felt
- Yellow construction paper
- Paintbrush
- Optional: Other yellow materials, such as ribbon, yarn, craft foam or craft feathers
How-To Steps
- Draw a circle onto the cardboard. Ask your child to name the shape.
- Cut the circle out.
- Paint the sunshine circle yellow. Pour the tempera onto a paper plate or piece of wax paper. Have your child finger paint the circle. She can paint a second layer on top with a brush. This will help her to build grasping/grip skills.
- Tear and cut apart the other papers/materials.
- Glue the papers/materials on to the sun to create the collage. Your child can overlap edges, layer the materials or make it 3D by crumpling the tissue.
Sensory Exploration
After the paint and glue dries completely your child can use her senses to explore the summer sun. Okay, just her sense of sight and touch.
Ask your creative kid to name the color of the sun and the materials she used. Encourage her to feel the different textures and describe them. Are they bumpy? Lumpy? Hard? Soft? Smooth? Silky?
Fine Motor Extensions
You don’t have to stop at the collage. Punch holes along the outer edge of the summer sun cut a piece of yellow yarn and ask your child to ‘sew’ the circle. Along with making the sunshine, your child can brainstorm other summer-themed cardboard cutouts to collage.
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