Cancer (the crab) is one of the most difficult zodiac signs to understand. Cancerians can have many different personalities. Most Cancerians like to be at their home, and enjoy large families. They seem unsociable to some people, but they enjoy chatting and gossiping as much as anyone else. They tend to day-dream very often and can be found in a state of fantasy. They enjoy art, writing, and drama, but acting may not be a good career for them because of their tendency to Overact. Cancer is the sign most likely to believe in the zodiac, as well as other psychic happenings. They make a loyal friend and also very patriotic.
Cancerians are very patriotic so they feel great in historical figures costumes – knights, Abraham Lincoln, etc. Alternative choice for them would be heroic modern character costume. (Click on images will take you to {affiliate} where you can see more details.)
For crafty parents, we gathered several links for tutorials where you can find how to make a Halloween costumes for little Cancers:
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