Even as little, Pisces toddler is highly sensitive and feels everything very personal. For this reason, they need stable and reliant adults around. They are easy to raise because and it needs only gentle reminder and explanation why is a certain behaviour not acceptable for them to stop acting up. Because of their sensitive nature little Pisces often stay aside when in contact with other kids, afraid to get hurt. They might need a little nudge to get entertained in play with other peers. They are also highly imaginative and love to make up tales.
Little Pisces will enjoy dressing up in creative sea creatures like little mermaids, sharks, crocodiles, alligators, or even turtles. Due to their vivid imagination, they also love mystical creatures like unicorns. (Click on images will take you to BuyCostumes.com {affiliate} where you can see more details.)
Here are also several ideas for homemade costumes for little Pisces children, if you are crafty and have time to spare to make them yourself:
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