Aquarius toddler has an inquisitive mind and often wants to know how things work. They are the ones who will often ask why and how until they are satisfied with an answer. Aquarius toddlers love to be in a crowd with other kids and enjoy having many friends, often very different one from another. They are highly intelligent and it’s advisable to keep them busy with books, music, sports, arts and crafts from
Aquarius toddlers love to be in a crowd with other kids and enjoy having many friends, often very different one from another. They are highly intelligent and it’s advisable to keep them busy with books, music, sports, arts and crafts from early age.
These kids are not the ones to sit calmly by your side. They are visionary and love good discussion, and it’s very likely that you will not get them to do as you wish easily, unless they really want.
Little Aquarians will love dressing up for Halloween (or any other day) as little aliens or robots! And Star Wars characters are something they will wear gladly!
Since Aquarian kids enjoy exploring (and what’s better than exploring space?!), they will love to dress up as astronauts and pretend play finding new planets and meeting out of Earth friends!
We are adding several ideas for DIY Halloween costumes for little Aquarius people if you would like to make them yourself:
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