Let’s face it: there are days in every parent’s life when your toddlers are simply driving you crazy! We all had those days in our own lives. When nothing goes as it should be and it’s really easy to lose control and start yelling for every single little thing.
One thing we, as parents, keep forgetting is: Our toddlers are allowed to have “bad days” too. It’s not something that’s exclusive only for parents. So today our moms are sharing tips how to deal with moody toddlers and turn the day around for our toddlers.
Yes, there comes a time when you just feel helpless around your children. When chaos reigns high, I just drop everything and join my child in whatever they are comfortable doing. Toddlers don’t have the vocabulary to express their feelings. They may be miserable themselves with some changes around them that we don’t even think are worth a second thought. It could be an infection coming or just that they are having a bad day. Whatever it is, they want their mommy. The chores get done but the time when you dropped everything to jump on the bed with them or spent blowing bubbles in the yard, those are the things that you will remember years down the line.
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Step away, take a deep breath, and remember that this is a moment and it will pass. Bad moments do not have to define your whole day.
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Take a time out. Seriously. Give the kid a book, put on a movie/show, or find a neighbor/friend to watch your kid for a bit. Take a breather. Read a chapter of the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand, take a walk (hey, that works with kids sometimes), a nap, a long shower, you get the idea. Anything you can think of to give you a chance to calm down and reset your system. And then when you pull yourself together, make sure to talk about it with your kid. Kids need to know that nobody is perfect and that adults struggle with these things too (it’s part of real life).
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Ask for help when you need it. You need to be honest with yourself and if you’re on the edge of loosing it, you need to step away and compose yourself. If there is someone around who can step in to give you that time, take advantage of them. It doesn’t have to be long. You just need some time to shake off emotions. If there’s no one else around. Try an energetic activity with your kids. Get you and them running and jumping!
Drop everything (as far as possible) and give them time. Sometimes, this kind of behaviour is simply a call for attention. By giving them extra time, you may also uncover what’s really bothering them, and address the cause directly.
Just get everyone out of the house. The fresh air calms me down and the space and change of pace distracts toddlers from whatever they where pestering you about. Remember we all have bad moments . Roll with it, hug them tights and smile!
author at The Adventures of Meemoo and Pook.
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