In Less Toys. More Play. articles we’ll cover many themes, from ways to cut down on toys to additional variations to play with toys at hand, from rotating toys to including everyday items in child’s play. You’re welcome to follow us as we share ideas how to get kids to PLAY MORE with FEWER TOYS!
If you daily experience these situations:
- Stepping on toys in the middle of the night,
- Hearing: “Mom, buy me a new toy!”, while old toys are laying around abandoned,
- Trying to get kids to put away their toys in baskets / storage,
- Picking toys all over the house,
- Looking for lost and misplaced toys,
then read on!

We have gathered many prominent family friendly bloggers, many of them are educators and all of them are parents, to share with us benefits of having fewer toys. We’ll share ideas how to reduce toy consumerism, unclutter child’s rooms and bring more engaged play to our children.
20 Reasons to Say YES! to Less Toys. More Play.
First article in Less Toys. More Play. lists 20 reasons we started this series for our own children’s benefit. You will find you can relate to many of these reasons!
Less Books = More Reading
Includes practical tips for choosing the best books for your toddler, paring down your book collection, and displaying books for the highest readability. Of course, many of these tips can be used for older children as well.
Donating Toys
Reduce the clutter in the playroom and donate the toys your child has overgrown. Include them into the process and help them give back to the community.
Simple Outdoor Play Ideas
Starting a love of the outdoors from a young age is the best way to protect the future of our environment and is a great way to embrace a childhood with less toys – more play.
Turning Old Technology into Toys for Imaginative Play
Giving children the opportunity to repurpose old toys, or old electronics, into something new and exciting is one of those perfect opportunities for creativity and imagination to blossom.
5 Things to Consider When Choosing Toys (And What to Avoid)
If you are wondering which toy to choose and how, we prepared guidelines for choosing toys that will grow with your child.
Simple Toddler Dish Washing Station
Encourage your curious toddler to practice life skills with a simple washing station in your kitchen.
Playing without Commercial Toys
You probably experienced seeing the joy on child’s face when playing without commercial toys! Let’s get you inspired for a next treasure hunt to turn something ordinary to a brand new “toy” for your child!
Reading Recommendation:
Clutterfree with Kids: Change your thinking. Discover new habits. Free your home
5 Imaginative Play Ideas with Play Food
One of goals of Less Toys. More Play. series is to take a good long look at the toys you already have at home and decide to keep those that can be used for open-ended play.
How and Why to Include Kids in Toy Purge
For some children, it is best to leave them out of the toy purge. But I would say that most children can handle participating in at least a portion of a toy purge. If they are set up for success, and the benefits of allowing them to help purge their own toys can be huge.
Parents are Child’s Favorite Toy
Play is a natural way for parents to connect to their children and the best way for them to learn. Child will benefit from playful parenting approach the most.
Turning Your Kitchen Into Play Area
Kids really love to spend time playing with their parents and we often end up with kids under our legs for most of the time while we cook! Let’s take a look at how to turn kitchen play area into safe place for your child.
Ideas for Spending Quality Time with Kids for Busy Parents
It’s important to keep kids on top of our priority list and spend some time daily to connect through play, specially with young children. Here we share several ideas how to spend quality family time with your kids and keep connection.
Top 10 Tuff Tray Filler Ideas
For those of you who are unfamiliar with tuff tray, it’s a large shallow plastic tray that can contain much of the mess created by kids during playtime. It comes with adjustable stand and can be in a variety of colors. Let’s take a look into top 10 tuff tray filler ideas to get you started.
Making a Small World ZOO with Everyday Items
There is so much more to ‘playing zoo’ then you’d think. Through small world play we can relive our zoo adventures over and over again and learn about animals and everyday life at the zoo in so many ways.
12 Reasons to Make Homemade Toys
You don’t need to be particularly crafty or own a hot glue gun to start making toys for your kids – some of best toy ideas are the simplest too.
Reading recommendation:
The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify
How to Rotate Toys
Maybe you considered to start rotating your children’s toys but you get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? We will help you start a toy rotation system in a few easy steps!
15 Small Space Play Ideas
When there is no room for toys, you learn to play other ways. Our list of 15 small space play ideas can be used as an inspiration to find other ways, more age and interest specific for your child.
One Simple Trick for Choosing Just Enough Toys
Children play best when they are not overwhelmed by too many toys, so go get a suitcase, and fill up with your child really needs to enjoy their day!
7 Blanket Games for Kids
We hope these blanket games will inspire you and your child to find even more ways to play with other common items you have at your home.
15+ Ways to Turn Kitchen Cupboard Items into Toys
When I opened a kitchen cupboard, I had so many resources that could be turned into toys or sensory play experiences. I never needed to visit a toy shop again!
5 Fun Activities for Kids with a Colander
Unlikely toys are often the most fun to play with. Take a look at an adventures you can have with a kitchen colander.
3 Ways to Play with Building Blocks
Most of the children have some kind of building blocks in their playroom and we shall enjoy 3 different activities with a same toy – building blocks play activities.
100+ Ways to Play More with Fewer Toys
After a month of sharing different articles, we collected over 100 ways to play more with fewer toys.