Summer art activities for kids don’t have to stay indoors. Nope. With the weather getting warmer, it’s time to take the ‘arting’ outside. And, that makes this watercolor paint splatter art mess less, um…messy.
Paint Splatter in the Summer Sun
Okay, so your child can really do this art activity anywhere at any time of the year. But it’s more fun to do outside – where she can go wild with the mess.
All you really need is a small patch of grass, an area of dirt or even a space on the patio. Avoid trying this activity on a wooden deck or anywhere else that could stain.
Not only can your child get artsy, but this activity also adds in a lesson in math. That is, shapes to be exact. Your child will cut the paper into her favorite geometric shapes. If you want to switch things up and pull in an early literacy lesson, make bubble letters instead of shapes. Oh, your crafty kiddo can also make numbers too.
Learning and Development
- Fine motor skills – eye-hand coordination, grip, dexterity
- Math – shape recognition and identification
- Problem-solving
- Literacy – letters recognition and identification
- Exploring the artistic process
Arts and Craft Materials Needed
- Watercolor paints
- Paint
- Scissors
- A marker
- A glue stick
- Colorful card stock paper
- White paper
- A paintbrush
How-To Art Process Steps
- Draw shapes onto the white paper. Your child can make them as big as she wants to. If she draws several smaller shapes she can glue them all to the same piece of card stock. Ask your child to name the shapes as she draws. For shapes that have sides – ask your child to count the sides.
- If your child wants to try letters, help her to draw a few. She can draw the first letter of her name or she can make the letters that form summer-themed words such as “sun” or “pool.” Children who are just learning their letters will need help here. You can draw the letters first in pencil and then have your child trace over them with a marker or you can use letter stencils/templates.
- Cut the shapes and letters out.
- Glue the shapes or letters to the card stock paper.
- Take the card stock, a cup of water, a paintbrush or two and the water color paints outside. Find a level place to work on the ground. This will get messy, so don’t go near the patio furniture or select a surface that can’t get water color paints on it.
- Dip the brush in the water, and then put it into the paint. Make sure that your child soaks the brush thoroughly. This will help the paint to platter.
- Splatter the paint on the paper.
Art Activity Extensions
Instead of splattering paint over the whole piece of card stock, play a fine motor game where your child aims to get the paint only on the shape or letters. This type of paint splattering helps your little artist practice motor control and self-regulation. She also has to problem-solve, figuring out how she can keep the paint off of the card stock.
Are you looking for more summer-time art activities? Check out these ideas that are perfect for preschoolers or toddlers:

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