My kids love to play with playdough. They enjoy both playdough purchased in the store or homemade, plain or scented! It really doesn’t matter to them, as long as it’s playdough! If you are looking for playdough play ideas for your toddlers and preschoolers, you’ll surely find one among these 33 ideas!
Begin by creating your own mini X-rays with our black play dough.
Combine letters and play dough cutters together to play this Naming Initial Sounds Play Dough game.
Sing along and invite your kids to make Incy Wincy Inspired Spiders.
This Rose Scented Play Dough is perfect to make yummy pretend cookies with.
Invite your child to play in Play Dough Dinosaur Land.
Load up a tray with all things green, orange, white and gold and celebrate St Patrick’s Day with this activity.
Getting busy making some cute (and not too prickly) hedgehogs with this play dough activity.
Do you kids like bugs? Load up a tray with creepy crawlies and play dough for your kids to play with whilst you sort the laundry.
Work those fine motor skills picking up and pushing buttons into this Gingerbread Man Play Dough Invitation.
Set up this Ocean Themed Play Dough Activity for a group of mermaid loving friends on a playdate or in Preschool.
Add in some Transformers along with your play dough to transport your kids to a new dimension.
Have fun baking Play Dough Cookies and don’t forget to add the sprinkles.
Celebrate all things Spring with this Garden Play Dough activity.
Use this Pirate Island Play Dough activity to ignite your child’s imagination and then invite them to write a story about it.
Learn and play with this Pond Life Play Dough Invitation.
This looks so cool! Invite your kids to create their own Lego Mini-figures out of play dough.
Play Dough makes perfect cement in this Brick Laying Invitation to Play.
Make a Minion out of bright yellow play dough and our favourite googly eyes.
One scoop or two? Serve up some Play Dough Ice Creams.
Tackle the serious conversation of what to do in a fire with your pre-schooler when you play with this Free Printable Fire Fighter Play Dough Set.
Bring out as much bling as you can handle in this Princess Play Dough Activity.
Playing with Ducks is not just bath time fun. Use them in this awesome Duck Pond Play Dough Invitation.
How many googly eyes can you squish onto a Play Dough Monster?
Keep it simple and invite your kids to play with Play Dough and Pasta.
Engage pre-schoolers in a Math Activity when you add numbers and counting manipulatives to it.
Read the Rainbow Fish and then create some of your own.
Explore the natural wonders of nature in this all Natural Play Dough Invitation.
Set up a Snowman Factory and keep warm indoors on a chilly day.
Calm down before bedtime with some Lavender Scented Play Dough Play.
Encourage your child’s creativity and boost fine motor skills in this open-ended Fall themed Play Dough Invitation.
Would you like marshmallows on your Hot Chocolate Mommy?
Make Funny faces with Pattern Blocks on these Play Dough Pumpkins.
Invite your child to Stamp Out Words in Play Dough.

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