Encourage your curious toddler to practice life skills with a simple washing station in your kitchen. At this age, toddlers love imitating adults and trying new things. Keep their interest strong and encourage independent behavior when ever they show desire to do things on their own or to help you.

Are you fretting over what to do with your curious toddler? Worry no more. Toddlers are notorious for wanting to “help”. Of course, this can mean a bigger mess for the caregiver then without the toddler’s help.
Toddlers are Curious!
My youngest son is such a well-meaning helper but he can quickly make a huge mess. The other day he heard me turn on the water in the kitchen sink and came running!

He quickly pushed a chair up to the sink and shoved his little hands in as far as he could reach. Next, he grabbed up some dirty dishes and tried to drink off the spoon! He also spilled water down the front of him and a bunch on the floor in the process.
Set Up a Simple Washing Station for Your Toddler
A different day he grabbed the Sit ‘n Spin and stood on it in front of the sink! This is what prompted me to create a Toddler Dish Washing Station.

Tools for washing station
You will need to grab the items from your kitchen for this activity:
- large towel
- an empty plastic rectangular container,
- toothbrush,
- small scoop,
- baby washcloth and
- applesauce cup
I grabbed a large towel and folded in half on his toddler table. Put just enough water to cover the bottom on the rectangular container and voila! You got an instant Toddler Dish Washing Station.
Another option: Water Sensory Bin
Let’s wash the dishes!
This water was clean so he could drink away! He was happy which kept him quiet while his siblings slept which made mama happy.
He played for quite some time scooping water up and pouring it back in. He slurped his spoon. He wiped his little bowl and was happy as a Lark. A few more items that can be added to change the entire experience:
- slotted spoon
- sponge
- ice
- small pitcher
- small dropper
- turkey baster
- medicine cups
- medicine spoons

Less Toys. More Play. is a month long series we started with a list of 20 Reasons to Say YES! to Less Toys. More Play., continued with limiting book choices to get more reading, then went outside for play (we don’t mind sun or snow!), played with some junk electronics and went through things to keep in mind when picking just the right toy for our kids! We also suggested donating toys as a way to teach kids kindness and declutter!
Thaleia joins us from Something 2 Offer where she writes about tot school, homeschool resources, parenting and living frugally. She is a mom of 4 very active children, 3 boys and 1 girl. She homeschools her children while working on the next blog project, review, or giveaway.
- Playing without Commercial Toys
- 5 Imaginative Play Ideas with Play Food
- How and Why to Include Kids in Toy Purge

My boys LOVE to “help” wash the dishes (it drives me slightly insane) so this activity would be great for them.
Stopping by from the Link and Learn blog hop!
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