We all know that reading to your toddler is vital for vocabulary development, early literacy skills and bonding with care givers. Sometimes it is easy to collect a bunch of books that just sit on your shelves. In many instances, fewer books on your child’s bookshelves mean more reading. We will give you some practical tips…
The Best Board Books to Welcome New Baby
Being a toddler is hard! Especially when one day they get a news they will become a big brother (or a big sister)! It is confusing time for toddlers as they still can’t fully grasp the meaning of having a new sibling and how it will change their life and what happens around them. To…
The Best Friendship Board Books for Babies and Toddlers
For toddlers concept of friends is a bit hard to comprehend, however they will need to learn to socialize and get along with others as they grow up. One of the way we, parents and caregivers, can help them get along and make friends easier is to read and discuss with them about what exactly…
Living in a Beautiful Rainbow World
When I first saw book Beautiful Rainbow World, what attracted me was this stunning colorful front page with a child whose eyes were wide open and looking curiously at me. At that point, I didn’t really expect that this book will provide motivation to talk with my daughters about diversity and teach them so many…