Winter fine motor activities do more than simply spread the love of the snowy season. They also help your child to build skills that include eye-hand coordination and dexterity! When it’s way too cold to go outside, keep the kiddos warm, sneak in some fabulous fine motor development and try out this mitten lacing activity….
Egg Carton Spring Blossom
With spring coming, weather is finally looking better and brighter. It’s perfect time of the year to head outside for a walk, pick few fallen tree branches and use recycled egg cartons to make spring blossom with kids! This lovely multicolor flower craft will surely bring joy to your home and you can use it…
Q-Tips Activity Ideas for Kids to Play, Learn and Create
Q-tips (cotton buds, cotton swabs or how ever you call them) are one of those inexpensive items we all have at home! On this page you will find different Q-tips activity ideas for sensory play, learning, art and more! Because of their shape and size, q-tips are perfect tools for many different type of activities….
Torn Paper Snowflake Collage
An easy winter project to make with your toddlers and preschoolers – torn paper snowflake collage. This simple winter process art project works wonders for fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, concentration and other skills young children need to conquer before they start attending the school! My younger daughter was delighted when I invited her to…
Green Recycled Winter Crafts for Kids
Winter season is a perfect time to stay inside in a warmth of your home and engage kids in crafting! We collected over 120 green recycled winter crafts to make with your kids! Raid your recycle bin and prepare to upcycle paper rolls, old newspapers and magazines, cardboard and shoe boxes, plastic bottles and caps,…
Fine Motor Shape Puzzle Play
Summer fine motor activities give your toddler or preschooler the chance to build new skills, while exploring the season. I’m always one for getting artsy. So summer-time art activities, in my opinion, are a n awesome way for tots to build those all-important finger and hand skills. Tracing Shapes A few years ago, I taught…
Kids’ Paint Splatter Art Activity
Summer art activities for kids don’t have to stay indoors. Nope. With the weather getting warmer, it’s time to take the ‘arting’ outside. And, that makes this watercolor paint splatter art mess less, um…messy. Paint Splatter in the Summer Sun Okay, so your child can really do this art activity anywhere at any time of…
Shape Busy Bag Activity
A summer busy bag can keep your kiddo more than entertained on one of those sweltering days. It’s too hot to play outside, you’re on a majorly long car trip, it’s raining or maybe your little one has just had enough with her pool day. Whatever the reason, pulling out one of these bags is…
Summer Ice Art Scene
The temperature is heating up. Summer’s here. And, your child is ready to cool things down and create a masterpiece – with ice. Ice Summer Art That’s right, ice. With the warmer weather, ice is the perfect art material. With a drop or two of color, your child has instant melting paints. Start by asking your…
Ladybug Busy Bag Activity
Need something to keep the kiddos busy? A summer busy bag does just that. Literally. Busy Bag Uses It’s summer-time and you’re on the go. All the time. You’re traveling to grandma’s, going on a trip to the beach and headed out to the pool as often as you can. So, with all the summer…