True free play includes any kind of unstructured activity that encourages your child to use their imagination and creativity, such as playing with dolls or building with blocks. It does not include playing with most electronics like video games. Let’s dive in and learn more about importance and benefits of free everyday play in an…
Rainbow Quotes about the Importance of Play in an Early Childhood
We have shared in the past 7 things kids learn through play and benefits of play to child’s happiness. Today we would like to share with you some of our favorite rainbow quotes about the importance of play, especially young children who can use play to explore the world around them and learn so much! We…
7 Ways Play Reduces Stress at Toddlers and Older Kids
As we go through all the ways play is important for our toddlers, let’s take the time and see all the ways play help reduce stress at out kids. Stress can make your child act out, be fussy, or may even trigger a temper tantrum. What many parents don’t realize is play can be a…
7 Things Kids Learn Through Play
Kids love to play and while some people may think it’s just a great way to keep the kids busy, it’s much more than that. Since our tagline is: “Playing is Serious Business.”, I wanted to share few thoughts behind why and how play influences child’s development. There are so many things kids learn through…