Four year-olds are starting to understand concepts like speed, time, and size so playing becomes more realistic. Even if horses fly and cars do flips, play with a four year-old is enjoyable for everyone. The toys that some four year-olds are attracted to are ‘real life’ toys, just in smaller versions. Play sets are a great idea for…
Top 10 Play Sets For 3 Year Olds
I love the excitement in my daughter’s eyes when she gets new things to play with. That same excitement is present when she is figuring things out, learning new ways, or experimenting with her toys. She thinks she is just playing and having fun, but she is learning. She is developing. She is growing. Play…
Top 10 Play Sets For 2 Year Olds
Two year olds are so much fun, right? They are coined as terrible, and sometimes we may think that’s true, but the two year old stage is so enjoyable as well. They are learning so many new things and exploring the world. It is amazing to see the light in their eyes when they learn something new…
Top 10 Play Sets For 1 Year Olds
Play sets are fun to have for kids because there typically are more than one piece that goes together with the other. This gives way for other human interaction, as parent and child or other child and child. These are also great for independent play, with the child being able to portray more than one…