We all know that reading to your toddler is vital for vocabulary development, early literacy skills and bonding with care givers. Sometimes it is easy to collect a bunch of books that just sit on your shelves. In many instances, fewer books on your child’s bookshelves mean more reading. We will give you some practical tips…
10 Essentials for Every Playroom
If have been reading the playroom 101 series, probably find yourself scratching your head wondering “how do I get started on my own playroom?”. Playrooms are as different as the children that occupy them. Each one is unique and special in its own way. Building an awesome playroom starts with having some of the basics….
How to Maintain Playroom Organization
All good organization requires some maintenance. We all get busy and we throw things on a shelf and plan to put them away where they belong later. We put everything in one basket or bag because we don’t have time to sort them out. All of us lack time to make sure a puzzle has…
Quick Playroom Hacks
I would love to say that if you make your playroom calm and attractive and full of carefully chosen toys that you will never have to go in there again. Wouldn’t that be great? Unfortunately most things in life require some maintenance. Today I have a list of questions to consider when your playroom isn’t…
How to Organize Playroom Toys
How do you organize all of the toys that you have chosen for your playroom? I’ve talked about arranging the areas of your playroom with furniture and how to de-clutter your toys. I also shared how to set up a system for storing and organizing your toys. The toys you have left should be a…
Best Developmental Toys for Preschoolers
Preschoolers are fabulous fun to play with but the increasing number of options for toys can make it overwhelming to decide what to put in your playroom. We will try to assist you with picking right toys for your preschoolers that will help with their development. Check some of the guidelines and ideas inside this…
Best Developmental Toys for Toddlers
The possibilities are seemingly limitless when you start considering what toys to put in your playroom for a toddler. Should they be learning colors and shapes? What will keep them happy and engaged? What toys will be more than a passing phase? There is a lot to consider, especially if you want to find things…
The Best Developmental Toys for Infants
If you stroll the aisles of a toy store or baby store you will find an overwhelming assortment of infant must-haves. So what toys do you truly need for a baby before they start walking on their own? What toys should you get to best stimulate learning and development? What toys will last? On this…
5 Playroom Clean-Up Hacks
Is your playroom clean? How did it get that way? Would it surprise you to know that I do not clean up our playroom? Ever. Would it surprise you more to know that at the end of the day it is always clean? I will share 5 playroom clean-up hacks that work for us and…
How to Declutter Toys
After we covered why it’s important to organize a playroom and essentials every playroom needs, today we’ll tackle with the theme how to declutter toys in your child’s existing playroom and turn it into a space child actually uses for play. If you’re going to organize a current playroom, you will need to start by…