You survived trip with your toddler and there were no tantrums in sight! Great! And now you have new problems to worry about: how to keep your toddler safe during vacation?!
We have gathered several mothers and asked them to share with us their experiences and things that worked for them in the past and we hope that you will find their tips helpful and have an awesome, worry-free Summer!
We follow the same safety rules at home and when traveling. My son’s job is to pay attention to me and listen for me. If I whistle, he is to stop what he’s doing and look to me (for direction — sometimes I have him come to me, sometimes I will just communicate yes/no with a nod of the head). We also review what to tell an adult if you can’t find mommy or daddy (parents’ names, cell number). We make sure that he has our cell phone numbers on his person somewhere whether it’s on a paper in his pocket or written on his hand in permanent marker. That way, if he needs to, my son can find an adult and have them call us.
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When we were traveling and staying at hotels with our toddler son, we brought duct tape as the ultimate safety and comfort tool! We could quickly cover electric sockets, use it to hang up darkening shades in windows, and secure any cords to lights/televisions/etc. that might accidentally get pulled. Plus – my son just loved to play with tape – so it was always a go-to toy when we needed him entertained for a few minutes!
Take your child’s stroller everywhere. I have found this useful for not just moving about but to confine them and keep an eye on them too.
Follow Ayesha through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
We have carried our travel bed with us when ever we went on a trip. There are few reasons why it was a good idea for both of our kids when they were babies and toddlers: first – they were used to this bed because they were already using it at home and we didn’t have tantrums over new beds in hotel rooms or apartments, second – it doubled as a playard when we needed to put kids somewhere safe during showers, etc.
It’s really important to remember to keep your kids safe from the sun too, especially if they aren’t used to the heat. Make sure they drink lots of fluids and use lots of sun protection as well as hats, and t-shirts.
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