Today’s activity is created with small spaces and big energy burning in mind! This indoor gross motor game is a combination of jumping school and tic-tac-toe game hence the name – XO hop! Jump and play!

We don’t have lots of space living in an apartment and I know many people are having the same difficulty when it comes to available space and activities that will help their kids to burn that extra energy. And it especially can be a problem during long autumn and winter days when it’s cold and windy outside.
Materials to Set Up XO Hop
To set up this indoor gross motor game we used:
- painters tape (left over from last wall painting)
- a piece of bubble wrap (from recycle bin)
- marker (just to add word “start”)
- bean bag – we didn’t have any so we “faked” it
How to Make or Fake Bean Bag for Toss Game
- Start with an old sock (we used fuzzy sock)
- Fill the sock with beans (half-full)
- Secure the top with a knot.

How to Set Up Indoor Gross Motor Game
We decided to do the setup and play this activity in a small hallway but you can use any available space.
Step-by-step XO HOP setup:
- Use painter’s tape to make 2 “X” signs on the floor, leave place in between two X’s for O.
- Tape “O” in between 2 “X” signs. We made O using bubble wrap cut in circle shape and secured with painter’s tape.
- Add a line with painters tape before one of the “X” signs where you’ll write word START with a marker.
- You’re good to go!
You can see our setup on the images for more clarity.
You only have to make sure that the jumping distance is something a child can conquer. So, for younger children we suggest leaving shorter space between X and O signs.

How to Play XO HOP game
This is how XO HOP game is played:
- stand at START line
- throw the bean bag trying to get it to hit “O” sign
- jump through the “X” and “O”, turn on the last field and pick the bag at the way back
Let them jump through X with closed and spread legs like when they would do when they play jumping school.
For older kids, you can turn it into a contest where when they hit “O” they get a point and the first one to collect 10 points is a winner.
Girls enjoyed hopping on “O” the most because it made popping sound each time they would jump on bubble wrap! Fun!

Can you think of another way to play with XO HOP game?
Share in comments!
This post is part of the Gross Motor Activities from A to Z hosted by Still Playing School.
You can see all the other posts in this series by clicking here.
Get More Indoor Gross Motor Game!
- Work on family fitness daily!
- Pick few new toys for gross motor workout.
- Play tunnel race!
- Set up a bubbly bowling.

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